I was overweight my entire childhood; I hated every sport my parents put me into except for dance, I loved to dance. My junior year in high school was also the year I turned 16, I begged my mom to let me get my belly button pierced for my birthday. After going back and forth for what seemed like forever, she gave me a challenge. If I could lose 15 pounds by birthday, I could get my belly button pierced, a challenge I willingly excepted. I was already in dance at school, but I knew if I wanted to lose the weight, I would need to workout more. I decided to attend a dance class my mom attended on Tuesday nights called Zumba. After completing my first class I was overwhelmed with emotions and had so many questions; why had I never gave this a chance before, how did dancing give me this great full body burn, how were ladies older than me able to move and work harder than I did, how did my friends not know about this, and when would I be able to get back to this class so I could attempt to make it through all the dances without stopping.
How I got into fitness
Updated: Oct 13, 2022